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Sohn Hak-Kyu

Sohn Hak-Kyu

Former Governor of the Gyeonggi-do province in South Korea

Country: South Korea

Residency: January 20-31, 2014

Public Talk: "Changing Dynamics in East Asia and Korean Politics" | January 22, 2014

Research Interests

  • Politics


Hak-kyu Sohn, former chairperson of the Democratic Party, was Governor of the Gyeonggi-do province in South Korea from 2002-2006. He graduated from Seoul National University in 1973 with a degree in political science and in 1988 received his Ph.D. in political science from Oxford University.

He was an activist in the democratic movement beginning as a student and as a university professor at Inha and Sogang universities. His political career started in 1993 when he joined the National Assembly where he was elected four times. In 1996 he became the youngest ever Minister of Public Health and Welfare under then-President Kim Young-sam and has ran twice for his party’s presidential nomination.

Featured Videos

Hak-kyu Sohn's Public Talk on "Changing Dynamics in East Asia and Korean Politics"

Interview with Hak-kyu Sohn Conducted by Professor Stephan Haggard


Jan. 22, 2014 PLF Sohn Hak-Kyu Slideshow

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