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Cowhey Center on Global Transformation CCGT


CCGT continues to have a strong tradition of promoting original and policy-relevant research through workshops. Led by faculty experts at GPS and across campus, while often drawing on insights from outside scholars and practitioners, these activities also enrich classroom learning.

Upcoming Workshops

There are no upcoming workshops at this time.

Featured Past Workshops

“Evaluation Workshop”
May 3, 2013
This workshop brought together UC San Diego faculty, Grameen Foundation staff, non-profit practitioners and social entrepreneurs. Throughout the day they examined how combining information and communication technology with improved evaluation techniques can help Grameen field test poverty alleviation programs at lower cost and deliver results on program outcomes to stakeholders with greater speed. The workshop focused on finding approaches where social entrepreneurs and academic researchers can achieve value through partnership. The event was co-sponsored by UC San Diego's Policy Design and Evaluation Lab

“Beyond the U.S.-Mexico Border Buildup: Security, Migrants and Immigration Reform”
February 21, 2013
This was a follow-up to a 2012 workshop hosted by EmPac. Immigration reform promises to be a big topic in Washington in 2013. However, reform opponents say they won't give ground until the "dangerous" U.S.-Mexico border has been "secured." They call for more fences, Border Patrol officers and even soldiers, drones and spies. Maureen Meyer and Adam Isacson of the Washington Office on Latin America, created the 2012 report "Beyond the Border Buildup" that documents the incredible growth in the U.S. security apparatus and the humanitarian crisis of migrants at the border. They were joined by René Zenteno, a professor at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) in Tijuana, Mexico and former Undersecretary for Population, Migration and Religious Affairs at Mexico's Secretary of Interior. Recent studies by Zenteno for the Mexican Migration Monitor analyze trends in Mexican migration, including an increase in unauthorized Mexican migration in 2012.