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Cowhey Center on Global Transformation CCGT

Summer Scholars

The fellowship program was established to assist students at GPS in conducting high-caliber summer internships related to research on economic growth, equality and market change in the Pacific region.

The center will help fund two to four GPS students each year for work broadly related to economic analysis and policy research. Awards will range from partial to full support, which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 

2021 Summer Fellows

  • Maure Gildea, MIA ’22

    Maure Gildea, MIA ’22

    Center for Asia Pacific Security (CAPS), Washington, D.C.

    “I interned remotely at the D.C.-based nonprofit think tank, the Center for Asia Pacific Strategy (CAPS). CAPS aims to broaden the government’s and the public’s understanding of the Asia Pacific by conducting transparent, nonpartisan research on security and defense-related issues in the region and by facilitating active dialogue around these issues. As an intern at CAPS, I conducted an independent research project on Maritime Security in Southeast Asia. Over the course of eight weeks, I applied both quantitative and qualitative research and critical analysis skills gained during my first year at GPS to explore critical issues including defense, development and the environment, and to eventually present my own policy proposals to security practitioners in the public and private spheres. As an MIA student with a specialization in international development and nonprofit management, as well as a regional specialization in Southeast Asia, I am grateful for the opportunity to conduct research and work with experienced professionals in the field.”

  • Daniela Hall Lagunes, MPP ’22

    Daniela Hall Lagunes, MPP ’22

    International Rescue Committee, Salt Lake City, Utah

    “This summer, I worked as a data and evaluation intern at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) located in Salt Lake City, Utah. For more than 80 years, the IRC has been providing emergency relief, protection, rehabilitation assistance, resettlement services and advocacy for refugees and victims of oppression or violent conflict. I supported the implementation of a survey on the barriers that refugees and other IRC clients face in accessing health care in Utah. I trained three survey enumerators on how to use the data collection tools and record responses. This internship has provided me with an excellent opportunity to apply the data analysis skills that I have acquired at GPS on a topic that I am deeply passionate about.”

  • Harrison Tang, BA/MIA ’22

    Harrison Tang, BA/MIA ’22

    US-ASEAN Business Council, Washington, D.C.

    “I interned with the US-ASEAN Business Council, an advocacy organization representing more than 160 major U.S. corporations operating in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) 10 member countries. I researched regional economic issues impacting the private sector in the following areas: food and agriculture, information and communications technology (ICT), and Vietnam. This involved drafting weekly industry updates on topics such as nutritional security and the deployment of 5G technology across Southeast Asia. I also helped organize leadership dialogues between ASEAN government officials and senior business executives, including a virtual workshop in preparation for the UN Food Systems Summit. This internship gave me a firsthand view of how the public and private sectors can collaborate to overcome shared challenges — such as the COVID-19 pandemic — and promote sustainable economic growth in the region.”

  • Zhiling Xu, BA/MIA ’22

    Zhiling Xu, BA/MIA ’22

    Emzingo, Peru

    “My internship was with Emzingo, which focuses on responsible leadership lessons and consulting for local Peruvian organizations/companies. The remote internship is a six-week program that introduces students to various methods and practices of consulting while promoting positive social impact. Our team worked with the field partner La Fidelia, a Peru-based tea and herbal infusion company, to develop strategies that better help the firm succeed — especially in the areas of entering global markets and improving digital marketing strategies to increase e-commerce sales. We also sought to promote the values of La Fidelia with its approach to fair trade and embracing traditional Peruvian nature and culture through tea and herbal infusions. Our team communicated with the field partner on a weekly basis and used various toolkits like the Gantt Chart, business model canvas, stakeholder map and surveys to analyze the firm’s operations and give customized recommendations. This was a great opportunity to have hands-on consulting experience and learn about business operations and strategies combined with a social impact approach.”