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Cowhey Center on Global Transformation CCGT

Do Hoai Nam

President, Vietnamese Academy for the Social Sciences (Vietnam)

Do Hoai Nam

Residency: April 6–10, 2009

Residency Summary

Accompanying Do Hoai Nam for his stay in San Diego was noted sociologist Nguyen Ahn Dang, also of the Vietnamese Academy for the Social Sciences (VASS), who contributed a sociological perspective on the changes to the Vietnamese economy and addressed the effects of economic reform in Vietnam on the country’s society. He signed a memorandum of understanding between UC San Diego and the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, signifying the start of an academic collaboration between the two universities.


Do Hoai Nam is currently the president of the Vietnamese Academy for the Social Sciences (VASS) and supervises 36 think tanks and research institutes of social sciences in Vietnam. Since September 1996, he has concurrently served as the director of the Institute of Economics within VASS, one of the country’s most influential economic policy research organizations. In addition to his institutional affiliation, he serves on Vietnam’s Central Committee and recently led the production of the country’s 10-year socio-economic plan. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the German Academy of Sciences.