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Cowhey Center on Global Transformation CCGT

Past Global Leadership Fellows – Latin America

CCGT has welcomed 15 Global Leadership Fellows from countries in Latin America. Following is a listing.

Mario Arana, former president, Central Bank of Nicaragua and current director of Fundacion Nicaraguense para el Desarrollo Economico y Social (Nicaragua)

Joao Batista de Rezende, president, Anatel Communications (Brazil)

Kevin Casas-Zamora, former vice president of Costa Rica and current secretary for political affairs at the Organization of American States (Costa Rica)

Tiago Falcão, Secretary, Renda de Cidadania, Brazil

Pablo de la Flor, former peruvian vice minister of international trade and member of the Organizing Committee for Education CADE 2013 (Peru)

Francisco de Paula Gutierrez, professor, economics and finance, INCAE Business School (Costa Rica)

Jacques Marcovitch, professor, strategy and international affairs, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Patricio Meller, professor, University of Chile (Chile)

Heraldo Muñoz, Former Foreign Affairs Minister of Chile (2014-2018) (Chile)

Luciano Rezende, Mayor, City of Vitória (Brazil)

Jorge Rodriguez-Grossi, former minister of energy and finance (Chile)

Mauricio Tolmasquim, professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Alberto Trejos, Dean, INCAE Business School in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)

Joaquin Vial, board member, Central Bank of Chile (Chile)

Carlos Viana de Carvalho, Head of Research, Kapitalo Investimentos (Brazil)